School Unterneustädter Schule in Kassel

The school Unterneustädter Schule is a primary school with two locations in the district of Unterneu-stadt. It offers training to the children of this district as well as for those coming from the district of Wesertor. The school is an inclusive all-day school according to the cooperation agreement "Pakt für den Nachmittag" (afternoon concept for schools in the Federal region of Hesse).

In 2021, the workshop and gym building of the former prison of Elwe (Justizvollzugsanstalt Elwe) next to the primary school of Unterneustadt was converted into a multifunctional building. In this context, the primary school has received a new canteen equipped with utility kitchen with mobile partition and a separately usable tea kitchen.

Every day 135 children can now enjoy the freshly prepared food by chef Jens Richter.

The company kpc implemented the kitchen technology, as well as the dry storage, the freezer, the delivery area, the preparation area for the cold kitchen, the kitchen area for regeneration and pro-duction, the rinsing kitchen, the tea kitchen as well as the refrigeration technology.

Photography: Sandra Schultheis

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